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Religious Education (R.E.)


RE Long Term Plan


At Annfield Plain Junior School, we aim to prepare pupils for their next stage of education and life. We aim to develop the skills and knowledge needed to be able to compare different religions and their practices, including British Values, whilst making learning in R.E. engaging and enjoyable. Our school ethos of being respectful, tolerant of different beliefs, kind and caring is also integral to R.E. teaching.


Our school is non-denominational. The R.E. curriculum is taught in accordance with guidelines laid down by Durham Agreed Syllabus. Christianity is taught and compared to other religions, mainly Hinduism and Sikhism. It is taught using a variety of resources,  (Jigsaw RE) and methods (Rights Respecting Work and Philosophy for Children) to engage pupils. Visits and visitors are used to enrich the curriculum e.g. to the local church, to a Gurdhwara, Barnabas R.E. Drama workshops, Kurtiga workshops. We use Jigsaw RE to support staff in the teaching of RE.


Daily collective worship reflects the broad traditions of Christian belief and we aim to ensure our pupils gain respect, awareness and understanding of other world religions. We also, through collective worship, aim to develop a community spirit and promote a common ethos and shared values within our school; including British values, rights respecting work, anti-racism, anti-bullying and equality. Current affairs, both national and international, are also explored in assemblies through Newsround. Regular visitors lead world of work assemblies, community care assemblies and staying safe assemblies.


Celebration assemblies are held weekly, on Friday, to celebrate personal academic achievements (house point awards), behaviour achievements (termly bronze, silver and gold certificates), pupil of the week and most resilient learner of the week, attendance awards, headteacher awards and house team winners.


All parents have a right to withdraw their child from daily assembly and/or R.E. lessons on religious grounds.  Any parents wishing to do so will have their wishes respected but are asked to discuss their wishes with the headteacher first.


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