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Our Curriculum


Annfield Plain Junior School’s curriculum aims to provide pupils with a curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant and progressive, in order to prepare them for life in the diverse 21st century and for their next stage of education, at secondary school.  It is essential to provide pupils with life-long skills to prepare them for an ever-changing, technological world, whilst making learning engaging, enjoyable and purposeful; to ensure our children are happy today, fulfilled in the future and able to make the world an even better place. Our curriculum incorporates the school’s values described in the school vision and our child-friendly version: “Bobby Brain’s MAGIC habits for learning”.


We teach the National Curriculum which includes the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Computing and Religious Education. The foundation subjects we teach are: History & Geography, Art, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, French. Personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE) is also taught; this is inclusive of British Values.  We also teach a life skills curriculum. Ofsted in May 2012 stated, “The curriculum is outstanding because the imaginative range of subjects allows pupils to use and apply their literacy and numeracy skills in meaningful ways. In addition, it is enriched by many visits, partnerships, celebrations and events which add interest and excitement to learning and make a strong contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” Pupils have a range of experiences, visits and visitors – Ofsted in 2020 stated, “As a result of these wider opportunities, pupils have high aspirations.”


Our curriculum is also planned to reflect the fact that children learn in different ways. Tasks given aim to engage, enthuse and challenge learners whilst encouraging resilience, as well as being relevant to their present and future lives. We use a variety of teaching styles to cater for all learning styles. We also use De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats as a means of developing thinking and organisational skills within the curriculum. Philosophy for Children (P4C) is used to complement thinking hats, developing pupil’s speaking and listening.


Ofsted in January 2020 stated, “Leaders have planned a comprehensive curriculum. Pupils build their knowledge and deepen their understanding. Teachers are well trained. They know the order in which different parts of each subject should be taught.  …Teachers have strong subject knowledge. Lessons are interesting and engaging and pupils are enthusiastic about learning…. The curriculum is varied and fun. It is planned to meet the needs and interests of the pupils in this community. Pupils enjoy learning in a hands-on way… they say this helps them to remember more.”

Class 3 
Class 4 
Class 3-4
Class 5
Class 6
Curriclum Booklets
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