Contact Us

Mrs. Beth Howe or Mrs Lynne Hume, school administrators, will answer queries from parents and members of the public in the first instance.
Mrs Tracey Dorward is our acting Head Teacher and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator.
Mrs. Graham/Mrs. Reddock joint Chair of Governors.
If you would prefer to contact us electronically please complete the form below and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
SLP (Stanley Learning Partnership)
Annfield Plain Junior School is an academy and is part of SLP.
Mr Mark Stewart is our Chief Executive Officer.
Mr Stephen Gibson is our Chair of Members and Mr Tom Harpe is our Chair of Trustees.
To contact SLP LTD please call us on 01207 266700.
Via email: enquiry@stanleylearningpartnership.co.uk
Via post: SLP Head Office, Langley Park Primary School, Behind May Terrace, Co. Durham, DH7 9XN.
Click here to visit the Stanley Learning Partnership website: Stanley Learning Partnership
Annfield Plain Junior School
Front Street
Annfield Plain