Assessment & Monitoring
At Annfield Plain Junior School, we aim to prepare pupils for their next stage of education and life. We aim to develop the skills and knowledge needed to do this. We use the national curriculum, as well as the accompanying requirements for assessment, for national curriculum subjects.
Assessment is essential to track the progress of each pupil and support staff in understanding what children can do, what they can’t do and identify any gaps in learning. This then allows staff to personalise the teaching for individuals and groups of learners. Therefore, ongoing formative assessment takes place on a daily, weekly and termly basis. This can take the form of teacher informal assessment, pre-assessments for Maths and post-assessments for Science and the Foundation Subjects, as well as end of topic proof of progress tasks for Science and the foundation subjects.
All year groups take part in summative assessment tests (NFER/Y6 SATs) – on entry in September, mid-year in February and in May/June for:
Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation;
Writing is assessed by teachers throughout the year. Moderation of writing between school staff, as well as with cluster schools, ensure the moderation of writing is accurate. Year 6 writing is also monitored by the local authority at regular intervals, the last time being in 2023.
Science and the foundation subjects are assessed formatively throughout the year, at relevant points in the teaching. Staff record whether the pupil is working below, at or higher than age-related expectations at the end of the year/key stage.
Pupil attainment and progress is reported to parents termly, through parents’ evenings and a written report in the Summer. Parents are regularly encouraged to view their child’s books, attend support sessions and for parents of SEND pupils take part in their meetings.
Please read the Annfield Plain Junior School assessment guide for parents below, for further clarification of assessment at our school.
APJS Assessment guide for parents
Y3 Maths Information for Parents
Y3 Reading Information for Parents
Y3 Speaking and Listening Information for Parents
Y3 Writing Information for Parents
Y4 Math Information for Parents
Y4 Reading Information for Parents
Y4 Speaking and Listening Information for Parents
Y4 Writing Information for Parents
Y5 Maths Information for Parents
Y5 Reading Information for Parents
Y5 Speaking and Listening Information for Parents
Y5 Writing Information for Parents
Y6 Maths Information for Parents
Y6 Reading Information for Parents
Y6 Speaking & Listening Information for Parents
Y6 Writing Information for Parents
Where additional support is required to support pupils to meet their targets, or to give additional opportunities to the more able pupils, interventions take place. Interventions are monitored and assessed for impact. Such interventions are funded by Pupil Premium and include:
Read, write Inc phonics;
Additional Literacy Support Programme;
FFT Lightning Squad;
Reciprocal Reading;
Maths booster small group after school tuition.