Enabling and Adapting the Art and Design Curriculum
At Annfield Plain Junior School, we aim to prepare pupils for their next stage of education and life. We aim to develop the skills and knowledge needed to be an artist, whilst making learning in Art engaging and enjoyable.
Art is taught in line with the National Curriculum, allowing pupils to develop their creativity and imagination. It is taught discretely and also applied cross-curricular. In discrete art lessons, a variety of art forms are studied: drawing, painting, sculpture, digital imagery, textiles, print, collage and weaving.
Artists and sculptors, both past and contemporary, are studied: Picasso, Giacometti, Lowry, William Morris, Monet, Van Gogh are some of those studied.
Art is celebrated around school and pupils also use a sketch book both for sketches and collection of research & art across the key stage. A developmental sketch is completed annually in the back of the sketch books. Artists and illustrators are regular visitors to school: Peter Swidrak and Liz Million. We work regularly with local artist, Susan Warlock, to give pupils the opportunity of creating art/projects with an expert.