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Design Technology

DT Long Term Plan


Enabling and Adapting the DT Curriculum


At Annfield Plain Junior School, we aim to prepare pupils for their next stage of education and life. We aim to develop the skills and knowledge needed to be a designer and inventor, whilst making learning in design technology engaging and enjoyable.


Design Technology helps children to become problem solvers through practical tasks, using creativity and imagination. Design technology is a subject all children can enjoy individually or as part of a team; it gives them the opportunity to become innovators.

Children take everyday or familiar objects and investigate how they actually work and who they are created for. Working with a variety of materials and through the new skills they learn, children get to design, make and evaluate a range of products from eco projects to moving toys.


Food technology is an integral part of DT and all pupils take part in cooking workshops during the summer term health and fitness life skills week. Other opportunities to cook also take place during: after school clubs, parent and pupils workshops, investigating different countries and their food during European Day of Languages.


This year we are investigating the introduction of  STEM projects across the key stage to ensure pupils aspirations include STEM and to further prepare our pupils for their life in the future.


DT Pupil Statements

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