School Uniform
Please ensure your child’s uniform has their name or initials written on the label, so that lost items can be found.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
Blue, white or gold shirt/blouse/polo shirt;
Plain black or grey trousers or skirts/pinafores (no stripes or logos. Jeans, are not permitted);
Blue/navy gingham dress;
Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan;
Any sensible flat, sturdy shoes, boots or trainers, which are a dark colour such as black (avoid logos).
All items of uniform are welcome to be unbranded and are available at local shops, provided they comply with the colour and styles outlined above. Should you prefer, branded uniform is still available to order via Tots to Teams – see below for ordering information.
This dress code includes appropriate hair styles – i.e. no symbols, pictures which would cause offence.
P.E. Kit – should consist of:
grey, navy or black shorts for indoors/warm weather;
plain grey, navy or black tracksuit bottoms for cold outdoor weather;
plain white, grey or navy t-shirt;
sandshoes – trainers.;
a bag to hang the PE kit in the porch.
Swimming Kit – one piece costume, swimming trunks, swimming hat and a towel.
Homework Bags
Children will be provided with a book bag/homework bag free of charge. Please ensure that these are bought into school each day with your child’s planner and reading book. Please hear your child read each day if you can and five times a week at the minimum. Spellings and tables homework are set. Other homework is usually set on a Wednesday and returned on a Monday.
Jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces etc. should not be worn to school and if children’s ears have been pierced only stud type ear-rings should be worn during the healing period after piercing. This is for reasons of health and safety. Children are allowed to wear one pair of stud earrings and a watch.
It is the policy of this school and Durham County Local Education Authority that all children taking part in physical education lessons remove items of jewellery on the grounds of personal safety. This policy is accepted and acted upon by parents. The issue of safety is relevant not only to the risk that applies to the wearer of jewellery but also to other children in the same class, who may come into contact with the wearer in physical activities.
Try to have ears pierced in the summer holidays, as pupils cannot swim with earrings in and they need to be removed for PE.
The school does not accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal items of property, clothing or jewellery.
How To Order
All items of unbranded uniform are available to purchase at local high street retailers.
Branded items can be purchased from if parents/carers prefer.
Click on the image below to access the website to place a uniform order.
Uniform can then be delivered direct to your house for a small charge or delivered in bulk to school.
School collects and holds second hand uniform.
Please contact the school office if you require any more information on this – 01207 234531.