DB Primary
Annfield Plain Junior School’s Remote Learning.
The following is guidance for you to support your child with learning at home, whether in addition to their normal school day or when self-isolating/at home due to illness.
Our School Offer
Annfield Plain Junior School will make considerable effort to provide all pupils with access to remote learning, which is easy to access and available for all. It will be a combination of paper-based and online learning.
Where a child has no access to a laptop, tablet or PC, school will try to support parents/carers by loaning the pupil a laptop for home use. Please contact the school office if this is needed.
At Annfield Plain Junior School, we use DB primary as our safe, online learning platform. An information leaflet has been provided, in paper form, for each pupil and is also available above.
DB primary learning cloud is a safe area, on the internet, for pupils and members of our school community, to share information and access a wide range of learning resources and links to our online learning programs.
Children and parents will both receive log in details.You will be provided with a personalised and secure password protected area to access our school’s online learning platform – DB Primary. Using this Learning Platform, pupils will be taught to use forums, create and post blogs and wikis and be able to save work and complete on line tasks.
In addition, DB primary is specifically designed for primary pupils and has its own resources for: digital literacy, online safety, Maths, English and Computing.
The pupils in each class are called a community and will have their own forum, blog, shared spaces and ability to set online homework and return homework to staff. Anything that your child puts on to DB Primary can be seen by members of staff.
Inappropriate content can be reported to staff, at the school, by clicking on the whistle icon.
One feature of the Learning Platform is the access to an email account. Pupils will be taught how to use this responsibly. Any allegations of bullying, via the Learning Platform, can be seen by staff and will be taken seriously. DB Primary is a safe, intuitive and easy-to-navigate learning platform designed to engage and educate the next generation of learners. We will be able to use DB Primary to extend our opportunities for learning beyond the physical boundaries of the school. This will include the capability for teachers to set homework, provide information and advice on secure class pages, which children will be able to access, and work on, from home.
All pupils have access to school bought online programs and links will be displayed on DB Primary:For English: Reading Plus and Spelling Zone which provide a personalised program of reading/activities linked to assessment of a pupil’s level and need. Class teachers can access each pupil’s pages to support and monitor progress. For Maths: Times Tables Rockstarz and My Maths. For ICT: Gooseberry Planet.
Pupils have passwords for all the sites above and other sites in their school planner. If you have any issues with the passwords please contact the class teacher.
When isolating at home:
If your child needs to self-isolate, or is ill, please contact school. Work will be provided for your child and will be a combination of paper-based learning and our online programs/DB primary set work.
If classes need to work from home, the class teacher will post a timetable of work on DB primary and if they are not ill, will be available to support during the working day.
How you can help:
If possible, do the following: designate a working space, plan a timetable with breaks and exercise, have the correct equipment before starting, stick to a routine, emphasise completing work set by school and praise your child’s efforts.
DB primary is accessed through the internet, so please discuss the following with your child before they use the platform:
Please reinforce the Children’s Guidelines with your child at home (see below).
DB Primary does not filter the internet, so you need to have your own internet firewall and parental controls set up.
If your child finds any inappropriate material on the learning platform, please inform the school immediately or use the Whistle Monitor feature (details below).
Anything your child puts onto DB Primary can be seen by members of staff.
Encourage your child to complete the set work and use our safe, bought sites such as Reading Plus, Spelling Zone, Times Tables Rockstarz, My Maths, Gooseberry Planet, DB Primary – links are all accessed through your child’s community home page.
If a child or parent finds any content they believe is inappropriate, they can report this to the nominated ‘Whistle Monitor’ at the school by clicking on the whistle icon. This will email the details to the nominated member or members of staff.
The email will contain a link and brief description of the offending page.
Please contact the class teacher, if you are having difficulty logging in to DB Primary.
For internet safety advice, do take a look at http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/