The best way to help your child to prepare for school is to return to structured days, including school night bedtimes, a week before returning. Please talk to your child about returning to school and how it will be the same as the previous term. More guidance is available below and on the school website, in the parents section.
Is school attendance mandatory?
Yes, satisfactory attendance is 96% and above.
Which of the usual school attendance rules apply?
All of the usual rules will apply including:
parents’ duty to secure that their child attends regularly at school where the child is a registered pupil at school and they are of compulsory school age;
schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence;
the availability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct.
Pupils enter school, as normal, through the front gate at any time after 8:30am and before 8:45am. The gates will not open before 8:30am. If your child walks to school alone, please ensure they do not arrive before 8:30am. Children will then be asked by staff to enter school and enter class. The school day starts with teaching at 8:45 am and ends at 3pm.
Pupils will leave, just after 3pm, through different exits. Miss Angus (class 3) and Mrs Taylor (class 4) will exit by the front gate – staff will bring the children out to you. All other classes: Mrs Marley (class 4/5), Mrs Buckton (class 5) and Mrs Dorward (class 6) will exit by the back gate, at the side of school. Parents/carers are asked to socially distance whilst waiting for their child to exit school.
Breakfast Club and after school provision are available to junior children at Annfield Plain Infant School 8am to 5pm. They are booked directly with the Infant School (Tel: 01207 234691). A member of our staff picks up junior children from the infants at 8.30a.m. and takes them back to the infants after school provision at 3pm.
Our full range of after school clubs take place from 3:10-4:10pm.
Continued support to restrict the spread of covid and other illnesses.
-Every room in school has handgel, anti-bacterial spray, handwipes, tissues and lidded bins. Additional cleaning will take place throughout the day in all rooms: surfaces, touchpoints and toilets.
-Handwashing will continue to take place and should also be encouraged at home – when entering school throughout the day, before and after eating, after toileting and before leaving school. Pupils, who have a reaction to school soap, may of course bring their own soap/handgel. Handgel will also be available in each classroom and used routinely throughout the day. Parents are reminded to ensure children wash their hands, on leaving the house and re-entering the house after school.
– School continue to use and ask parents/carers to use the “Catch It, Bin It and Kill It” followed by handwash/sanitising of hands, for sneezes.
-School has split playtimes and staggered lunchtimes.
-School uses an anti-bacterial fogging machine weekly.
-Windows will be open as much as possible to allow for increased ventilation.
–Every pupil needs to bring a named water bottle, filled from home each day. Water bottles and packed lunch boxes need to be named and return home each evening to be disinfected/cleaned.
–The only items which pupils need to bring to school are a bag with: reading record & homework, packed lunch if not on school dinners, snack, own water bottle, coat, own soap/handgel if reactive to school’s soap and their PE kit. No home equipment such as pens etc. are allowed in school. PE kits will remain in bags and return home each evening/week.
– School uniform should be worn.
-If any pupil or member of staff have covid symptoms, they should isolate and not attend school. If a covid test is positive pupils should isolate and remain absent from school for 3 days.
-If pupils are isolating school needs to be informed and work will be set for the pupil on DB Primary, our online learning platform.
-If a child or member of staff become ill in school, there is a room to isolate pupils in and PPE equipment for staff to wear.
If your child has been struggling with wellbeing, during the coronavirus period, there are many support sites/workbooks for you to use in the parents’ information section of the news item on the front page and on their wellbeing page on DB Primary.
Loan laptops are available for your child’s use at home, for homework set on DB Primary, Reading Plus, Times Tables Rockstars, Gooseberry Planet, My Maths and Spellzone etc. When your child leaves our school, the laptop and charger needs to be returned to school. If your child needs to isolate they will also be able to access homework set on DB primary.
School uniform
Please see the school uniform section on the parents’ section of the school website, for expectations of uniform. You can order school uniform items directly online from: (Tots to Teams); we do not take orders in school. You will have the choice to have the items delivered direct to your door, for a delivery charge, or in bulk to school. Children are able to wear navy jumpers etc., without logos, from local shops such as Asda etc. Please write your child’s name in all of their clothing and items.
Parent Pay
School is now cashless. School dinners and educational visits need to be paid for on Parent Pay. Parent Pay information is found in the parents’ section of this website. We will be able to help you set up Parent Pay accounts. All parents will need to use parent pay, as school trips will be paid for by this.
School lunch
If you are unsure whether you will be entitled to FSM, school can undertake a quick check. Contact school with the claimant’s date of birth and the claimant’s national insurance number, if you would like this check completed. School dinners cost £2:30 per day and must be paid for, in advance, through Parent Pay. Some people may have had a change in circumstances due to lockdown, please let school know if you have, even if you do not want FSM for your child; this allows school to receive additional pupil premium funding.
School Ping
All parents/carers wishing to receive information regularly need to download school ping. All letters, parent evening bookings, reminders for events and safeguarding will be sent out on school ping. If you need to set this up speak to the school office on: 01207 234531.
Every pupil needs to bring a filled water bottle to school every day. It needs to be clearly marked with their name.
Children’s names should be written on all of their school uniform and PE kits. PE kits need to be in every day in your child’s school bag.
Reading books and planners should come to school daily, in the book bags provided for each child.
School’s dress code includes appropriate hair styles – i.e. no symbols, pictures, patterns, hair extensions or vibrant colours during term time.
Packed lunch boxes must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
In line with school policy and to ensure consistency and keep packed lunches in line with food standards for school meals, packed lunches should not contain the following:
Fizzy / sugary drinks in cartons, bottles or cans
Chocolate or Chocolate-coated products / sweets / confectionary
Chocolate spread as a filling for sandwiches.
If these items are put in a packed lunch, they will be withdrawn and given to the child to take home at the end of the day (Please see packed lunch policy on the school website if you are unsure of what is allowed).
Pupils are allowed to travel to school on their bike or scooter, but it is school policy that a helmet must be worn. Parents are reminded that the bikes and scooters are left in the yard at owner’s risk.