Autumn ‘Life Skills Staying Safe Week’ autumn term: workshops with Karbon Homes, Durham Police, Durham Fire Brigade and Hadrian’s first aid/heartstart training.
‘Enjoy and Achieve Week’ autumn term: “Our Amazing Planet -Protecting Earth’s Animals.” Author, Sarah Glover, workshops.
Parent/carer events autumn: Parent/carers and teacher meetings: Monday 17th October and Wednesday 19th October. Friday 11th November 1:30pm coffee afternoon and information carousel with information on: SEND, e-safety, maths times tables, reading activities, quizzes and library reading time, Karbon homes parent app and course support, pupil led activities. Thursday 15th December, 1:30pm: nativity performance in the school yard . Thursday 15th December am: parent first aid and parent mental health first aid workshops.
Visits and visitors this term: ‘The Grammar Show’ with the Punctuation Man, RE Hindu workshop for Class 3,New College performance of “The Lion King”.
Pupil enterprise: Class 6 and Class 5 Hallowe’en Enterprise. Class 4/5, Class 4 and Class 3 Christmas Enterprise.
Fundraising: ‘Cash for Kids’ Christmas.
Stanley Learning Partnership event: fireworks event for all SLP families Friday 4th November.
‘Sporting Spirit’ events with Annfield Plain Infant School and Catchgate Primary for all pupils: cross-country and gymnastics.
Spring ‘Life Skills Respect & Diversity Week’ spring term: diversity workshops with digital artist, Rhianne Johnson.
‘Enjoy and Achieve Week’ spring term: ‘Laugh Out Loud’ – poems, riddles and jokes. Poet, Paul Cookson, workshops.
Parent/carer events spring: Parent/carers and teacher meetings: Monday 13th February and Wednesday 15th February.
Visits and visitors this term: Y5/6 Howtown Outward Bound residential 23rd-27th January.
Pupil enterprise: School Council Easter fundraising.
Fundraising: house teams local charity fundraising.
Stanley Learning Partnership event: talent showcase at the Louisa Centre on 24th March.
‘Sporting Spirit’ events with APIS and Catchgate Primary for all pupils: dance and multi-skills.
Summer ‘Life Skills Health & Fitness Week’ summer term: 360 mountain bike display and pupil workshops; skip2bfit/box2bfit workshops.
‘Enjoy and Achieve Week’ summer term: “Detective Cluedo” solving mysteries. ‘Whodunnit’ workshops with Yorkshire Trails and author, Adam Bushnell, visit.
Parent events summer: 360 mountain bike display 25/5 at 9am on school yard. Annual ‘Singing Picnic’ together with Annfield Plain Infant School on Friday 23rd June at the junior school – ukalele performance by Y4, brass performance by Y5 and drumming performance by Y6. Singing performances by all pupils. Parent and pupil celebration of schoolwork: Tuesday 11th July 3pm.
Visits and visitors this term: TBA.
Stanley Learning Partnership event: Star Awards.
‘Sporting Spirit’ events with APIS and Catchgate Primary for all pupils: quadkids and rounders.
Transition for Year 6 to NDA and Tanfield Secondary School: TBA
Transition for Year 2 pupils: TBA